Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

Transform Coordinate System

Transform Coordinate System

Transform Coordinate System
Transform Coordinate System
In the mapping system used is the latitude and longitude, while the digitization of a map into digital data has UTM format. So on this occasion we will do the conversion from latitude and longitude coordinates into UTM coordinates
1. Open the application ILWIS 3.3 Academic
2. Click File> Create> Coordinate System ...
3. Fill in the name of the coordinate system to be converted, for example LatLon_European
4. Tick ​​the CoordSystem LatLon
5. Then click OK
6. Click and select International 1924 ellipsoid
7. Click the Datum and select according to the country you want, such as the European 1950 .. and Iran
8. once finished select OK
9. Create a new coordinate system that will be the result of the conversion
10. click File> Create> System Coordinat ...
11. Fill in the name of the coordinate system and mark UTM_WGS1984 CoordSystem Projection
12. Click and select UTM Projection
13. Click ellipsoid> select WGS 84
14. Detum click and select WGS 1984 and click OK
15. Fill in the zone with the number 39 and click OK
16. Once you have set the coordinate system then we will do the conversion
17. Click Operations> Operation vectorize> Coordinates> Transform Coordinates
18. enter the Coordinate Input and output System with LatLon_European with UTM_WGS1984
19. enter the value of the coordinates will be converted into the Coordinate Input
20. And the results will appear in the output Coordinate
21. Record and save the conversion results into notepad so as not to forget

For more details see the following video tutorial

or can be downloaded here


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